var xLayerNo=0; function xLayer(newLayer, x, y, w) { if(x==null)x=0; if(y==null)y=0; if(w==null)w=100; if(document.layers) { if(typeof newLayer == "string") { this.layer=new Layer(w);; this.layer.document.write(newLayer); this.layer.document.close(); } else this.layer=newLayer; this.layer.moveTo(x,y); this.images=this.layer.document.images; } else if(document.all) { var Xname; if(typeof newLayer == "string") { xName="xLayer" + xLayerNo++; var txt = "" + newLayer + ""; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",txt); } else; this.content = document.all[xName]; this.layer = document.all[xName].style; this.images = document.images; } else if (document.getElementById) { /*** Add Netscape 6.0 support (NOTE: This may work in I.E. 5+. Will have to test***/ var newDiv; if(typeof newLayer == "string") { var xName="xLayer" + xLayerNo++; var txt = "" + "position:absolute;" + "left:" + x + "px;" + "top:" + y + "px;" + "width:" + w + "px;" + "visibility:hidden"; var newRange = document.createRange(); newDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); newDiv.setAttribute("style",txt); newDiv.setAttribute("id", xName); document.body.appendChild(newDiv); newRange.setStartBefore(newDiv); strFrag = newRange.createContextualFragment(newLayer); newDiv.appendChild(strFrag); } else newDiv = newLayer; this.content = newDiv; this.layer =; this.images = document.images; } return(this); } function xLayerFromObj(theObj) { if(document.layers) return(new xLayer(document.layers[theObj])); else if(document.all) return(new xLayer(document.all[theObj])); else if(document.getElementById) return(new xLayer(document.getElementById(theObj))); } if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1 && !document.getElementById) { var eventmasks = { onabort:Event.ABORT, onblur:Event.BLUR, onchange:Event.CHANGE, onclick:Event.CLICK, ondblclick:Event.DBLCLICK, ondragdrop:Event.DRAGDROP, onerror:Event.ERROR, onfocus:Event.FOCUS, onkeydown:Event.KEYDOWN, onkeypress:Event.KEYPRESS, onkeyup:Event.KEYUP, onload:Event.LOAD, onmousedown:Event.MOUSEDOWN, onmousemove:Event.MOUSEMOVE, onmouseout:Event.MOUSEOUT, onmouseover:Event.MOUSEOVER, onmouseup:Event.MOUSEUP, onmove:Event.MOVE, onreset:Event.RESET, onresize:Event.RESIZE, onselect:Event.SELECT, onsubmit:Event.SUBMIT, onunload:Event.UNLOAD }; /**** START prototypes for NS ***/ xLayer.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { this.layer.moveTo(x,y); } xLayer.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y) { this.layer.moveBy(x,y); } = function() { this.layer.visibility = "show"; } xLayer.prototype.hide = function() { this.layer.visibility = "hide"; } xLayer.prototype.setzIndex = function(z) { this.layer.zIndex = z; } xLayer.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { this.layer.bgColor = color; } xLayer.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { this.layer.background.src = image; } xLayer.prototype.getX = function() { return this.layer.left; } xLayer.prototype.getY = function() { return; } xLayer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.layer.width; } xLayer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.layer.height; } xLayer.prototype.getzIndex = function() { return this.layer.zIndex; } xLayer.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.layer.visibility == "show"; } xLayer.prototype.setContent = function(xHtml) {; this.layer.document.write(xHtml); this.layer.document.close(); } xLayer.prototype.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2) { =y1; this.layer.clip.left =x1; this.layer.clip.bottom =y2; this.layer.clip.right =x2; } xLayer.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventname, handler) { this.layer.captureEvents(eventmasks[eventname]); var xl = this; this.layer[eventname] = function(event) { return handler(xl, event.type, event.x, event.y, event.which, event.which, ((event.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) != 0), ((event.modifiers & Event.CTRL_MASK) != 0), ((event.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) != 0)); } } /*** END NS ***/ } else if(document.all) { /*** START prototypes for IE ***/ xLayer.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { this.layer.pixelLeft = x; this.layer.pixelTop = y; } xLayer.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y) { this.layer.pixelLeft += x; this.layer.pixelTop += y; } = function() { this.layer.visibility = "visible"; } xLayer.prototype.hide = function() { this.layer.visibility = "hidden"; } xLayer.prototype.setzIndex = function(z) { this.layer.zIndex = z; } xLayer.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { this.layer.backgroundColor = color; } xLayer.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { this.layer.backgroundImage = image; } xLayer.prototype.setContent = function(xHtml) { this.content.innerHTML=xHtml; } xLayer.prototype.getX = function() { return this.layer.pixelLeft; } xLayer.prototype.getY = function() { return this.layer.pixelTop; } xLayer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.layer.pixelWidth; } xLayer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.layer.pixelHeight; } xLayer.prototype.getzIndex = function() { return this.layer.zIndex; } xLayer.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.layer.visibility == "visible"; } xLayer.prototype.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2) { this.layer.clip="rect("+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+" "+x1+")"; this.layer.pixelWidth=x2; this.layer.pixelHeight=y2; this.layer.overflow="hidden"; } xLayer.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventName, handler) { var xl = this; this.content[eventName] = function() { var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; return handler(xl, e.type, e.x, e.y, e.button, e.keyCode, e.shiftKey, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey); } } /*** END IE ***/ } else if (document.getElementById) { /*** W3C (NS 6) ***/ xLayer.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { this.layer.left = x+"px"; = y+"px"; } xLayer.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y) { this.moveTo(this.getX()+x, this.getY()+y); } = function() { this.layer.visibility = "visible"; } xLayer.prototype.hide = function() { this.layer.visibility = "hidden"; } xLayer.prototype.setzIndex = function(z) { this.layer.zIndex = z; } xLayer.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { this.layer.backgroundColor = color; } xLayer.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { this.layer.backgroundImage = image; } xLayer.prototype.getX = function() { return parseInt(this.layer.left); } xLayer.prototype.getY = function() { return parseInt(; } xLayer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return parseInt(this.layer.width); } xLayer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return parseInt(this.layer.height); } xLayer.prototype.getzIndex = function() { return this.layer.zIndex; } xLayer.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.layer.visibility == "visible"; } xLayer.prototype.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2) { this.layer.clip="rect("+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+" "+x1+")"; this.layer.width=x2 + "px"; this.layer.height=y2+ "px"; this.layer.overflow="hidden"; } xLayer.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventName, handler) { var xl = this; this.content[eventName] = function(e) { e.cancelBubble = true; return handler(xl, e.type, e.pageX, e.pageY, e.button, e.keyCode, e.shiftKey, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey); } } xLayer.prototype.setContent = function(xHtml) { var newRange = document.createRange(); newRange.setStartBefore(this.content); while (this.content.hasChildNodes()) this.content.removeChild(this.content.lastChild); var strFrag = newRange.createContextualFragment(xHtml); this.content.appendChild(strFrag); } } else { xLayer.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { } xLayer.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y) { } = function() { } xLayer.prototype.hide = function() { } xLayer.prototype.setzIndex = function(z) { } xLayer.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { } xLayer.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { } xLayer.prototype.getX = function() { return 0; } xLayer.prototype.getY = function() { return 0; } xLayer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return 0; } xLayer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return 0; } xLayer.prototype.getzIndex = function() { return 0; } xLayer.prototype.isVisible = function() { return false; } xlayer.prototype.setContent = function(xHtml) { } } function xMouse() { this.X = 0; this.Y = 0; if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) { this.getMouseXY = function (evnt) {;; } window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); window.onmousemove = this.getMouseXY; = this; } else if(document.all) { if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.") != -1) this.getMouseXY = function () { = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; = event.y + document.body.scrollTop; } else this.getMouseXY = function () { = event.x; = event.y; } = this; document.onmousemove = this.getMouseXY; } return(this); } var m = new xMouse(); var oneDeg=(2*Math.PI)/360; /*** verander hieronder de variabelen voor een ander effect ***/ var Radius = 1; var NumStars=64; var NumSteps=5; var StepAngle=(11.25)*oneDeg; var StarObject=new Array(); var hexDigit=new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"); function dec2hex(dec) { return(hexDigit[dec>>4]+hexDigit[dec&15]); } function hex2dec(hex) { return(parseInt(hex,16)) } function CreateStar() { this.layer = new xLayer("X", 100, 100, 10); this.currAngle = 0; this.step = 0; this.x = 100; this.y = 100; return (this); } /*** Choose a random pinwheel configuration ***/ function restart() { var num=Math.floor(Math.random()*4); for(i=0;i
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